· Do a self audit: when the dust has settled and cursing out your “incompetent” former bosses/colleagues is no longer a source of comfort, its time to do a self audit. Was there anything you could have done to prevent your job loss? Was there a skill you lacked or a part of your duties you neglected? Was there a difficult team lead, customer, or boss you could have handled better if you just knew how? You cant know any of this without a self audit!!! Read more about this topic here http://www.helenemarcoz.net/
· Develop a routine: Not having control of your job search can have a negative effect on your self-esteem. Instead of wallowing, treat the job search process like a full-time job and be thorough and deliberate in your search. "Develop a routine each day to regain control," says Jayne Mattson, senior vice president of Keystone Associates, a New England-based career management firm. "There are so many activities of a search that will keep you busy and that you have control over, so use your time wisely."
· Find a supportive network: Being surrounded by supportive circle can help rebuild your confidence. Anyone from former colleagues or acquaintances to family members can help boost your self-esteem after a layoff. Do not under any circumstances surround yourself with negative people or enablers. Be wary of someone who is glad to sit and have a daily pity party but will not send you encouraging tweets, vacancies, or invitations to training programs.
· Help others: Instead of feeling sorry for yourself, use your new free time to help others. Establishing new connections and applying your skills to other areas like volunteering can help you to bounce back. I personally recommend taking advantage of every single training opportunity available to you and getting online (even if it is just your BB internet) and read, read, read. For those who have Ipads, download e-books and make a commitment to read at least one new book a month.
· Use positive affirmation: While getting support from others is key, it's also important that you believe in your own skills. Use each day to verbalize a positive affirmation and remind yourself that you possess valuable skills.
· Take time to do something you love: It can be as simple as reading a book or listening to your favorite song, but make sure it's a part of your day that you can look forward to.
· Exercise: Exercise is a natural endorphin booster, so you're bound to be in a much better mood post-workout. If paying for a gym membership is prohibitive, keep costs low by walking/jogging outdoors and doing an at-home aerobic routine. Since you're no longer tied to your desk for hours each day, use the new flexibility to get back into shape and feel better about yourself.
· Allow time to heal: Especially in a tough economy like Nigeria-- when job interviews are harder to come by -- it can take time to regain confidence and no one expects you to recover right away. Going through a job loss is never easy, and there's nothing wrong with allowing some time to heal. The key is not to wallow in misery or surround yourself with constant negativity. You can even give yourself a daily one hour whining limit and then when the time ends – stop!! We are fond of Nigeria of using the phrase “it is well” to cover up emotions but if you do that, you fool everyone but yourself. Balance positive talk with time to grieve/pray so you can move on to something better.
· Meet other job seekers: Knowing that you're not alone can go a long way in helping boost your mood. Seek out networking events in your industry or attend job search lectures to get out and mingle with other job seekers.
On a final note, the road to bouncing back after a job loss can be tough but it can also be an exciting time, if you choose to see it from a different perspective. All across the country, people are taking advantage of free training, networking, learning, and interactions so instead of wallowing in pity at home, why not try to attend one in your area? Maybe it’s time to explore that business idea you have been wandering about. Remember to keep reading, keep praying, keep dressing well, speaking confidently, and taking chances in your future job search.
Have a great week everyone!
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