Wednesday, 10 July 2013


In the article "Why Your Boss May Start Sweating The Small Stuff" TIME writer Julie Rawe examined how more companies are training managers to be more sensitive to their employees' feelings. Here is a selection of what readers cited as their biggest pet peeves about their boss or workplace.

From a food sales representative:

Beyond the checking of the BlackBerry—how about my boss writing emails during my annual review! I stopped talking and he looked up at me like I was dumb for not continuing. He starts waving his hand, gesturing, while telling me urgently to "Go on." What is that about? Not to mention his phone-answering. During a meeting he was sitting in on, with one of my biggest customers, he picked up the phone and made a call!

But the last, and just most annoying, of all, he will walk into my tiny cubicle, not paying attention to what I am doing—oftentimes when I am on the phone, mid-sentence with a customer—and whack me on the arm to get my attention!

From a supervisor at a sports venue:

One of the employees that I supervise was reprimanded by me, then later again by our boss. Since I had already handled the situation, I asked our boss how she learned of his misdeed. She said not to worry about it. This happened a few more times. One day, I passed by her office to find her listening on an intercom. She had bugged our offices. Morale plummeted immediately and took another hit when our union did nothing.

From an industrial-products entrepreneur:

Your article struck a painful chord. I worked with two partners for over 30 years. They had started the company together—but with my help—before I was able to join them on a full-time basis 3 years later. Together, we built a struggling business into a $33 million success.

On the day we finally sold the company and were walking out the door, the two of them stopped, turned to one another, and hugged. These were guys I'd worked, sweated, planned, laughed and cried with for over three decades. They were good guys. And on every other occasion, they acted as if I were a full partner. But in that precise moment, I knew where I had always stood.

Lonely? Three years later, the feeling still hasn't left. The power of small signals? You'd better believe it.

From a corporate communications director:

To approach my boss with even a simple question is to be subjected to incredible rudeness, unmistakable signals that what I need to discuss just doesn't matter—at all. During such encounters, he sighs, loudly and often; gets a slack-jawed, glaze-eyed expression just 15 to 20 seconds into the conversation; makes sounds like "ughh, ughh" to seem engaged; and asks no questions, but inevitably lets you know the "meeting" is over by either picking up documents to read or turning completely around to read e-mails on his PC ... Ironic how such "micro" inequities have such a HUGE demoralizing effect on employee morale. I always trudge away from his desk totally disgusted.

From a software course developer:

When my boss is here, there's a tension that permeates everything. Your breath catches in your chest and just sticks there for the entire day—no heartburn or reflux medicine can remove the feeling! The man never recognizes anyone for a job well done, yet he never yells at anyone for screwing up. He rarely ever cracks a smile or laughs, but he doesn't yell. It's almost like he's a robot, an automaton that lives to sit in his office and go over minute details of things people will never see or read. He's not married, doesn't have any children, and he has no interest in knowing the names of anyone's spouses or children. I'm not sure if there's anything called "positive personality-in-a-can" but if there was, he would be the first person I would recommend use it!


Got your own office horror story and want to share it? Please send it down to and it will be published anonymously. We’ll also share free advice and tips on how to deal with the situation.


Good day Readers,

for all my Nigerian readers, happy belated democracy day!!! I know we are going thru a lot but the fact that we live in a time that encourages free speech, writing, and gatherings is enough to celebrate this holiday!!
I was thinking yesterday about a vacancy I recently posted online. I still cannot believe some of the responses I got. CVs written so badly I couldn’t get past the first sentence, rude email addresses; hostile language through out the CV, and long rambling personal statements. So many people were disqualified before I even had the opportunity to know whether I could consider them for the job because their CVs were so horrible.

You may be at home right now wandering why you are not getting called back for interviews and it could be a simple reason of your CV not making it past the secretary's desk, much less passing HR's scrutiny and here are 22 reasons why:
  • A recruiter,  manager or HR manager can’t get the gist of you and your story in less than 10 seconds
  • You can’t stand to look at your own résumé because you dislike it so much.
  • It is loaded with buzz words and meaningless words you copied from the Internet.
  • Your CV looks like a template.
  • Your CV is longer than two pages and you have only worked in 2-3 places.
  • It doesn’t sound authentic – like you’re a real person who solves real problems.
  • Your CV contains lies of any variety – big or little.
  • Your CV contains exaggerated job titles.
  • Your CV doesn’t showcase your key successes, achievements and accomplishments.
  • Your CV doesn’t integrate a present-future focus along with your past employment record.
  • Your CV looks like 2500 other résumés in the pile.
  • Your CV doesn’t sound like you.
  • Your CV lacks a flow and good organization.
  • Your CV reads like a job description.
  • Your CV is unattractive and in some cases, downright difficult to read.
  • Your CV has a boring account of your work history.
  • Your CV doesn’t provide direct evidence (proof) as to why your qualifications warrant an interview.
  • Your CV contains errors (One of the worst offences).
  • Your CV doesn’t represent you with excellence in your absence.
  • Your CV gives the reader reasons not speak with you.
  • Your CV doesn’t exemplify the very best of you and your amazing brand.

  • Your CV doesn’t generate any action for you.
Culled from

So darling readers, going thru the above points, did any of them jump out at you that you may be committing one or more of these offences on YOUR CV? If your answer is yes, it's time to redraft your CV and do let me know if you need professional advice, I'm always happy to help!


In the last few years, a significant portion of Generation Y  has entered into the labour market and like many of us who have worked with or managed workforces in the last 5 years, we have noticed something: this crop of employees is unique being that generationY are both high-maintenance and usually high-performance.

Gen Y employees are known to be excellent team-players, multitaskers, and innovators. However, they may also seen as tricky to managing and self serving when unmotivated in a job. That is why the manager’s role in the workplace has ever increasing importance on the Millenials’ retention and performance.... read more