Monday, 12 November 2012


Hi guys and dolls,

Observing people today in the work force in Nigeria, it is depressing how many people sit around waiting for others to give them jobs, promotions, and salaries they feel they deserve. When did we become so complacent? When did it become acceptable to bug someone into giving you a job? Here is the free #hrtip of the week. Bosses will never give you what YOU want when you pester them, they will give you what they can SPARE. If I feel you are worth N20, 000.00 in salary and you feel you deserve N120 000.00, guess what I’ll pay you? What I can spare you. Whether it’s N20,000.00 or the N25,000.00 I may grudgingly end up paying.

No one is in charge your progress or happiness except you and you must take charge of it today to live the life you want. You want better job skills? Move beyond your comfort zone and start helping out more in the office. You want to learn how to take care of kids? Observe and help baby sit for friends and families. You want to run a consultancy? Register your business and start taking on small unpaid jobs to build your experience.
It may seem in life that only the rich get richer or freebies but most times we fail to remember that years of hard work have often gone into that seemingly charmed life your friend/relative/family member is living. Take hold of your destiny today folks cause the world is your oyster!
Have a great week!

The importance of Project Management

Aloha folks,

It's a beautiful Monday afternoon here in sunny Abuja, Nigeria and we are preparing for a project on LPG in Nigeria. It's a stakeholder's dialogue session and observing members of the team, it is amazing how some people are frazzled, some are calm, while I the never subtle perfectionist is depressed over a print error I Just noticed on a bag that reminds me why approach is never acceptable for project management. 

So what is the most important thing about getting an event organized? It has to be project management. please read the article below for some helpful tips: