Sunday, 13 May 2012


Do you want to be more effective at work? Get more done on the job? Learn new skills? One of the ways to do this is by developing positive, supportive, effective, and mutually beneficial interpersonal relationships at work. We've said it in a previous article that it is rare for an employee to work in complete isolation and even when there is limited contact with other members of staff, some form of interaction will take place with other people from time to time. The act of having positive relationships cannot be overemphasized because rather than having something to lose, you then have only everything to gain. In the workplace, managing relationships assumes significance due to the myriad relationships - your peers, superiors, subordinates, partners, clients, customers, etc - and for everyone there's a different code of conduct.
But why manage relationships? Why can't they just happen and evolve? The answer is very simple: if you allow a relationship to just grow, it can grow into something either positive or negative. naturally over time both good and bad things will happen in the office and it will not always be smooth sailing. Disagreements and differences in opinions will occur and they will also have to be managed. Good working relationship(s) are therefore dynamic; and must take into account a number of things including - social setting; level of the person(s) within the organization; and circumstances happening outside the office that may affect your relationship while at work. Here are some simple rules for managing relationships at work

Set clear Boundaries and standards.
Misunderstandings crop when things are fuzzy. Everyone should be aware of the parameters of the relationship and you remain clear and direct. Also have standards for yourself. your watchwords should always be "I will remain courteous and polite at all times"
Develop your communication skills
Be a good listener. Respond and deal conflict and learn how to say 'no' and 'yes' when appropriate.
See other people's point of view
This is a key communication skill. If you seethings from your side, you provide solutions from that perspective and waste precious time. So, see and accept others point of view too.
Gauge others expectations
This is simple but is often overlooked. It's easy to assume what other people want without checking it out. Understanding people’s temperaments & personalities goes a long way in understanding their reaction to what you are communicating.
Initiate solutions as problems come
Miscommunication can and will occur. Don't hope problems go away, wait till they get bigger and out of control, or sulk/become defensive. Remember, when building a relationship, you must understand who you are dealing with. Face the problem head on in a manner that the other person will understanding & appreciate while respecting both your position & the position of the other person within the organization. You cannot face a problem with your boss the same way you would a colleague or subordinate, so act appropriately.
Give more
Keep your relationships dynamic by offering insight, ideas andsupport. Recognize and acknowledge their contributions. This creates valuable loyalty points.

Remember, when managing work relationships, there is no 'if only'.. You can't control what others do or say but you can manage your relationships following the above simple guidelines . Once you assess what's really going on, you can then start to manage the situation either by initiating changes to the relationship or review what's already working. Agreed, it's difficult to master the art of managing relationships but try and learn the skill as it is a major key to your success at work!



It's monday!!!!!
Good morning every one!! I hope you had a fantastic weekend? For those of us that needed to rest, I hope you caught up on your much needed zzzzzs? And for those of us who worked through out, I hope you completed you entire to do lists and you have started this week feeling very pleased with yourselves, as you should :-)

I’m so happy that I was able to update my blog with lots of articles for you to read and I look forward to blogging throughout the week. I’ll be confirming if any events and networking opportunities are available this week.

This Monday, I’m armed with my to do list that I prepared last night. I plan to finish up once and for all with my new business cards, revamp proposals and catch up with some  clients by way of meetings that for one reason or the other keep getting postponed. I also hope to finish an articles that I’ve been privileged to write for a Nigerian based womens magazine.

How about you? Have you wandered into work today with full knowledge of what you want to do or are you too tired and are just hoping for the best? Happiness at work is not a myth, it can be done and it starts with the right mindset. My goal this week is to take at least one work goal that has been pending (but not “urgent” per say) and take one goal off my dream list and start them and for me, its building my business website template and starting on my first book.  I’ve decided to let those be what I do on my down time rather than mindlessly tuning out in front of my TV.  Why not pick your own two goals for this week. Write out you to-do lists for both work and at home and store them on you phone or notebook. Consult it each morning and twice during the day. Add to your list when you need to and cross out what has been completed.  Make yourself accountable - I've already shared my goals with everyone who cares to listen and I have people sending me BBs and texts reminding me i must have drafts ready of what I've said I'll do so they can help me review. You take your goals to a trusted friend, mentor, or loved one who will pester you and ensure you do what you said you will do. Commit to performing at least 2 actions this week besides your usual commitments. Nothing can compare to the satisfaction of taking ownership of your dreams and starting to fulfil them, whether it is to write poetry, apply for those dream jobs,  register for that skills class, read the e-books you downloaded on your laptop all those months ago, starting those cooking classes you promised yourself...the possibilities are endless!!!. I promise you, the satisfaction you will feel when you see the realization of your goals cannot be measured. 

have a great week every one!!